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May 30, 2015

Movin' On Up...

Whoa, buddy.  

Hard to believe it's just shy of a decade since my first post on Skillet Doux. I was really looking forward to the 10th anniversary. I figured I'd put up a fun post, have a little celebration, and then announce that I was relaunching the blog and returning to that casual little space where I could rant for 5000 words on whatever struck my fancy at the moment.

But yeah... that plan's going to have to wait.

The way the past few days have gone, I'm starting to feel as though I'm the only one who didn't see this coming, but I'm going to have to start buying ink in larger vessels. Literally, even.

This past Wednesday, it was announced that I'm joining Republic Media as the new dining critic for the Arizona Republic and azcentral.com, taking over for Howard Seftel, who recently retired after 15 years in the position.

So, yeah. Big news.

The downside is that I'm afraid the second coming of Skillet Doux (lovingly referred to as "Doux Deux") is no longer in the cards. The upside is HOLYCRAPI'MWRITINGFORONEOFTHEBIGGESTPAPERSINTHECOUNTRY..... *ahem*.... what I mean to say is that it's an incredible honor to take on such an important role.

This has been a fun ride, and the best part is that another one with some seriously absurd potential is just starting. There will be reviews, yes, but there's going to be a whole lot more.

So consider this post the final sign-off for an obsessive hobby that somehow brought me to where I am today. To those who took the time to read, comment, discuss, support, and otherwise make this blog a part of your lives, I can't thank you enough. I wouldn't have this incredible news to share if it weren't for you. Really.

But enough with the schmaltzy stuff. Cheers to an excellent almost decade... and see you over at azcentral.com!!!



Congrats, Dom.

Are you going to maintain the site? There's good stuff in the archives: reviews, recipes, even some comment threads of interest.

Yup! Site's not going anywhere. Just me :-)

Congratulations, Dom. Well deserved. The Arizona Republic is lucky to have you!

Dave Feldman

Wow! Congrats! Was hoping to see you posting here again, but you definitely have bigger fish to fry. :)

Congrats, Dom! I'm an old reader from the Chicago days (memories... of Italian Beef taste-offs) who followed you around to Baltimore and Phoenix and PHXfoodnerds. I check in occasionally (and before my yearly trip to the Valley of the Sun) but it's been a few months and now I see you're at the Republic. This has immediately raised the value of that paper - hoping the transition goes smoothly. The Republic columns (online) are a little cramped - hope they work with you to get something closer to The Killer Dish.

Good luck, good life and good eats!

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